Epoxy Over Ceramic Tile

Can You Put Epoxy Over Ceramic Tile?

Well, Epoxy is a type of thermosetting polyethylene produced by mixing different chemical components, mostly resin and a hardener. It is also known as polyepoxides.

When the resin and a hardener are combined, a chemical reaction takes place, which causes the mixture to thicken and turn into a long-lasting, strong, sturdy, and defiant material.

An Epoxy has great coalescence properties and most times used as an adhesive to bind different materials together. It can also be used as a layer to protect surfaces from damage or depletion.

Epoxy can be used on different types of surfaces like, metal, wood, plastics, and ceramic tiles, among others.

So yes, you can put Epoxy over ceramic tiles.

So now that we know what Epoxy is, I’ll love to tell you how you can put it over your ceramic tile.

You probably know ceramic tile to be a tile made from clay that has been permanently hardened by heat, often having a decorative skin, which can be used for flooring, walls, rooftops, etc.

Ceramic tiles are hard and durable and also easy to install, though it is now seen as an old-fashioned type of flooring compared to Epoxy.

Epoxy has recently been a preferred option for most people, and so lots of them have been asking if they could put theirs over their ceramic tiles.

While this is possible, you also have to know that putting Epoxy over your ceramic tile can be a hassle and expensive, and the installation process can be demanding.

And it would be best if you had an underneath floor like wood or concrete.

But aside from this, Epoxy is a wonderful choice to go with; it comes with excellent durability and affordability, and it is customizable. It is also easy to clean and maintain because of its smooth surface. 

Unlike tiles, Epoxy doesn’t have seams, joints, or ridges, which makes Epoxy an excellent flooring option that does not have openings or cracks for dirt to hide while cleaning.

Epoxy installation over ceramic tiles 

Placing Epoxy over your ceramic tile will produce marvelous results if done properly, and it changes the look of the space to be more attractive.

Though not all tiles will be good for an epoxy installation, if your tiles have grouts, is dirty, cracked, or worn out, then it will affect the epoxy layer and might not come out as smooth and beautiful as it should.

So it would be best if you took your time to make sure your tiles are in great shape before putting Epoxy over them so they can stick properly.

If you are done with cleaning your tiles or repairing them after noticing any damage, then you should proceed to the application of your Epoxy.

Please make sure your tiles are also flat and equal because most tiles have edges and also have bad leveling, which mostly happens during the flooring.

So get the tile well leveled and remove the glazing by grinding or sanding the tiles because the Epoxy may not stick well on the glaze of the tile.

After that, you can apply an epoxy primer to the tile to penetrate the tile and help the epoxy stick when you apply it.

If your tile floor is well-leveled and meets all the requirements to allow the easy application of Epoxy, then you can go ahead to apply the Epoxy over the tile. Please make sure you put enough Epoxy on those tile lines, though leaving them could be a nice design; I’ll recommend a complete fill-up so it doesn’t give off a funny look.

Plus, people might misunderstand it for a mistake or a bad job, but your Epoxy should look exquisite and admirable to all eyes.

Epoxy is now wildly acceptable and regarded over most flooring, so applying it over your tile can be an upgrade that is needed to have your place looking cozy because it’s an attractive type of flooring that can be customized to suit your taste and aesthetics.

Reading this article should be your key decider if you are going to put an epoxy over your ceramic tile or not, and though I recommend you should, but also try to know and understand what you want. 

Ceramic tiles also have their beauty and serve their purposes, but it all depends on what you want and how much you are willing to do.

Epoxy can be colored and have a range of different qualities, such as high strength, low viscosity, or resistance to chemicals.

Putting Epoxy over your ceramic tile should be done only because you want to do it and not because others are doing it, as you might end up not having the same satisfaction after the efforts and resources put into it.

So try as much as possible to go through the cons and pros of the Epoxy and ceramic tile before making a decision.

I invited you to read this article – Can you use ceramic tile outside?

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I am John Davis, a ceramic tile expert with over 15 years of experience in the industry and the founder of Ceramic Tile Reface. I created the website to help people overcome various ceramic tile problems, including outdated designs, chipped and cracked tiles, and costly solutions. Ceramic Tile Reface offers a range of solutions for these problems, from updating tile appearances to repairing or replacing tiles. The website also provides valuable information on tile installation, maintenance, and repair, as well as detailed guides on how to reface ceramic tiles.

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